Marine Industry
Barge Painting/Coating Services

Boat Painting/Coating
Performance Blasting & Coating, LP performs abrasive blasting and coating of commercial fishing vessels, offshore supply boats, harbor tugs and push boats.
Surface preparation is performed by either abrasive blasting and/or high-pressure water blasting. PBC can utilize these types of surface preparations to remove your various paints and coatings.
Performance Blasting & Coating’s crews have the experience and knowledge for applying a variety of inorganic zincs, epoxies, urethanes and antifouling coatings on these types of vessels.
Off Shore Rigs
Performance Blasting & Coating, LP provides Marine Blasting & Coating services for oil rigs and has worked at numerous repair yards.
PBC performs various types of surface preparations for oil rigs needing repair from power tool cleaning to abrasive blasting. PBC crews have the experience and knowledge needed to apply the many types of zincs, epoxies, internal coatings/linings, and urethanes for these types of vessels.
PBC provides these services in all areas of Jack-Ups and Semi-Submersibles including but not limited to Legs, Living Quarters, Helipads, Hulls, Pontoons, Tanks, and many more. If we didn’t list your specific project, call one of our experienced crew members with any questions about our services to see if we can help with your project.